Intervju med Anja Gandara Gil

Anja Gandara Gil
Anja Gandara Gil

Program: Master's Program in Marketing
Start of education: H10
Title: Head of Marketing


ict GmbH a Fujitsu Company


German - Spanish

Country of residence


A few words about your work tasks and responsibilities:

I am responsible for the marketing direction and development of marketing strategies for the product area "High Performance Computing" (HPC) at the Fujitsu Global Headquarter. I am in charge of implementing new initiatives to educate customers and drive KPI’s as well as further realizing and coordinating individual marketing campaigns.
I’m the central interface to the Japanese Headquarter of Fujitsu and to the divisions like product management, event, branding, PR, web, sales and business development at Fujitsu.

Why you chose the Master’s program in Marketing at USBE:

After completing my Bachelor in Germany and Spain, I was searching for a top University abroad giving me the chance to do a Master in Marketing as well as studying in English language. The University in Umeå was perfect because of meeting all requirements. It holds very good positions in the international ranking lists for universities and it is recommended for its international studies. Also it is known for its comprehensive educational approach and creative learning environments. And it gave me the opportunity to experience another country with all its culture and lifestyle.

What your specialty was during your Bachelor studies:

I studied International Business Management and my main courses were Project Management, Supply-Chain Management, Strategic Marketing and International Marketing

A few words about how you got your current job for example which previous employments were the stepping stones in reaching your current position:

It’s very important to develop a wide range of knowledge, to try different things and topics, to check which areas you like the most and which interests you have. Just as important as to know which areas you dislike and in which topics you’re not good at all. This will help you to find a job you like and reaching higher positions. Just be yourself and work for your goals.

Any advice you would like to give to current students at USBE:

Enjoy Umeå and make the most out of your studies. I loved the support of the professors and the campus with all the options and resources.
Experience the winter with all its snow activities and when you miss the sun, just go to IKSU and everything will be fine. :-)

Anja Gandara Gil
Anja Gandara Gil