Intervju med Aliakbar F. Farahani

Aliakbar F. Farahani
Aliakbar F. Farahani

Program: Master's program in Marketing
Start of education: H09
Title: Marketing Director at (Mobile Network Operator)


RighTel (First Iranian 3G mobile network)



Country of residence

Tehran, Iran

A few words about your work tasks and responsibilities

I am in charge of all Marketing activities at RighTel. Within the Marketing department I supervise activities and tasks of the Market research team, the geo-marketing team, the business intelligence team and the customer experience team providing data and analysis for the other sections of my team including segmentation, planning and budget as well as the price & plans team and the Marketing Campaign team.
Due to the saturated market and being the latest operator entering the market we do have great challenges and a very tense competition with the other mobile operators.

A few words about your career:

I started at RighTel in late 2011 right after I came back to Iran from Umea with a three months contract. Working in the Price and Plans team with a focus on data packages pricing. Afterwards as I needed to know more about the industry I worked in the new product and services team learning about all I didn’t know since I didn’t have a bachelor in engineering. This helped me later on very much and helped me build my career.
After more than a year I came back to Marketing and worked with the planning and budget team. Later I become supervisor of that team and afterwards based on the help of my coworkers and friends I became the youngest senior manager at RighTel.
Since then I have worked very hard and have built the youngest team among the Iranian mobile network operators. With the help of this young team we have managed to achieve a lot in terms of subscriber and revenue growth and hopefully this year we would reach a new record.

Any advice you would like to current students:

I have a few things in mind for the current students. First, do not think you’re behind the schedule. Enjoy your life and youth. Travel more than anything and be open to finding new friends from diverse cultures and nationalities as these experiences are what really makes you ready for a successful career. Second, make sure what you want from your life and how do you want to be living when you’re in your 40s and then decide on how to build your career. Money is important but it’s not that important when you’re happy and you’re doing what you like to be doing. And one other thing, you would probably remember Umea and USBE for the rest of your life.

Aliakbar F. Farahani
Aliakbar F. Farahani